Cara Menciptakan Minecraft Menjadi Karya Seni yang Indah

Saat ini sudah menjadi zamannya ketika hobi bermain game bisa menjadi pekerjaan alias kesibukan yang menghasilkan uang. Jika dalam industri game, Anda dapat melihat bukti nyata melalui adegan eSports; tempat bermain game secara kompetitif sekarang menjadi karier seperti atlet olahraga. Meski begitu, menghasilkan uang melalui game tidak terbatas pada eSports saja.


One of them happened to a 20-year-old man named Florian Funke, when his hobby of playing Minecraft games turned out to be a business opportunity. For those of you who may not know, Minecraft is a game developed by Mojang and Microsoft. This game is a sandbox game with the theme of crafting, resource gathering, and more.

This game has been on the market for almost 10 years and still have his own loyal fans. Indeed one of the advantages of this game is you can make anything here, only your imagination is the limit. It was then made an opportunity by Florian by founding Spark Squared, a company that received services to make the world in Minecraft.

Berawal dari Main-Main, Sekarang Pria Ini Buat Minecraft Jadi Pekerjaan Seni!

Because you can make ANY of them freely in Minecraft, you can create your own fantasy world, imitate the world in other popular media, or create dioramas from real-world buildings. Basically, this minecraft is like a Lego toy, it's just virtual.

In the implementation of Florian told that the process of making 'world' is not easy. Not only immediately make the 'world' alone, but also involves the process of coding is quite time and energy drain. They also make things like custom tools or plugins for their Minecraft servers, so that the 'world' created can be as real as possible.

Florian tells that Spark was originally just a bunch of teenage boys who like to play Minecraft games only. But now they are getting bigger by employing some employees, even hiring up to about 40 freelancers.

Berawal dari Main-Main, Sekarang Pria Ini Buat Minecraft Jadi Pekerjaan Seni!

Melihat peluang besar seperti itu, Florian mengatakan kepada situs bahwa dia berencana untuk bekerja dengan agensi sehingga dunia Minecraft yang dia ciptakan dapat digunakan untuk sarana edukatif. Saat ini, mereka telah berhasil menjalin kerja sama dengan pemerintah Inggris, terkait dengan kegiatan pembuatan dan peremajaan jalan raya.

Tujuan kolaborasi Spark dengan agensi adalah untuk membuat anak-anak lebih tertarik dalam membangun teknik dan membantu mereka belajar melalui game Minecraft.

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